Hannah Bachelor Yoga Practices ( 2-Week Duration )

I hope these gentle and soothing yoga practices bring you comfort and a sense of balance during this time that I won’t see you. May they create space for you to nurture yourself as you recover and manage your daily responsibilities. Wishing you a swift recovery with your foot, and looking forward to seeing you back strong in our online classes in a couple of weeks. 🙂

Connect to your inner listening – 18mins practice

Connect to your inner listening. Seek knowledge internally instead of looking for the answers outside and, be honest with yourself what you need right now in your life. It is your time and the right time.

Let’s get you comfortable and, practice Nodi Shodhana Pranayam encouraging to open the flow into the energetic channels, balance the right and left hemisphere, calm the nervous system and, connect to your inner self.

Connect to your inner listening and, listen what your emotional body needs right now.

Summer Slow down nourishing practice – 43mins

Invite yourself on the mat with this nourishing Summer Restorative practice, to balance Summer energy. Focusing on slowing down, gentle movements, relaxation, deep breathing and softness through the body.

Bring the awareness to your body, let your mind connect more with your beautiful body, with all sensations that arrises in the present moment, whatever that might be, be gentle to your body, be gentle to yourself, to your own unique being.

Let go…of all worries and, tension. It is a time for you! Enjoy!

Props you will need: a cushion, soft blanket, yoga belt, bolster and, a pillow. ( If you don’t have a bolster, prepare extra pillow or, second yoga bolster. )

Opening the chest area with a bolster and cushion support – 11mins

Lying down with a bolster under the shoulder blades to create a lift into your chest, creates a space and, a cushion to support your head. If bolster is too high, use rolled thin blanket or hand towel for a support where it will gently lift. Extend your arms on to the side or above your head. Adjust lower if needed. Stay there and with a slow breath allow the rib cage to expand on you inhale and soften the shoulders, abdomen, chest as you exhale.

Then, choose if you like to use a bit of movement of lifting your head up to bring more mobility in to your thoracic spine and, to engage a core muscles. Hands clasped behind your head with elbows relax on the side. Used the gravity and exhale to relax your shoulders towards the ground and letting shoulders to open towards the sides.

Useful: a bolster and cushion. Or, thin blanket, rolled hand towel instead of bolster if feels too high.