Support yourself with these 2 Restorative poses – 28 mins

Support yourself this Autumn with some more time for conscious breaths and Restorative yoga.

Here are a couple of nurturing poses supported by bolster, blankets, cushion to take you into more calming state of your body/mind. With slow deep breaths, warmth from the blankets, support of bolster, cushion, you can beautifully let go in your body, allow a release ( where your tension resides ), slow down the breath and, enjoy longer moments in a “rest & digest” system. Props you will need: a bolster ( or two if you have ), a couple of blankets, a couple of cushions and, 2 yoga blocks. Enjoy and, see you on the other side.

Come to my online Restorative classes on Thursdays and, studio session in Bedford on Fridays. Check the class schedule to see how to book.

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