Yoga Recordings August 2023

Create balance and trust yourself practice – 52mins

Create balance and trust yourself practice.

Balance is not something you find, it’s something you create. This 52mins practice is to encourage you to create a balance, stability within your practice and trust yourself in the process. Engaging your core muscles, lengthening your spine, bringing a lightness into the upper body with an attention to your breath and balance within.

Prepare: a bolster, 2 blocks, a cushion.

Kissing the Earth practice – 38mins

Kissing the Earth yoga practice is a slow practice…

to feel every part of your body that is touching the ground and sense energetic exchange between your body and the Earth. Notice what it feels like to be completely supported with Earth’s natural healing energy. Immerse yourself into 38mins to feel nourished and grounded.

Support yourself with: a cushion, 2 yoga blocks.

Thursday stretch, strengthen & with deep 4-count morning breath – 45mins

Moving and breathing, connecting with one another.

Waking up in the flow of your breath and mindful movement. During the practice, visualise each breath to bring you more space in the body and, let that transfers to your mind. Please bare in mind, this is recordings from the class so interaction with online students is there during. Use the moment, to re-connect with your breath, exhale longer for an extra release… 45mins of morning energizing flow!

Allow your heart and soul to awaken. Namaste.

Practice for Energy and Strength – 25mins

Bring yourself to Hero pose, supported by the bolster.

In this short practice, we are focusing on stretching, strengthening your thighs, breathing in your thighs, bringing a stretch and space, with a few energizing pose like bow pose, bridge pose and wide legged forward bend. Hope you enjoy the practice.

Prepare: a bolster and blanket.

Summer Slow down Nourishing practice – 43mins

Invite yourself on the mat with this nourishing Summer Restorative practice, to balance Summer energy. Focusing on slowing down, gentle movements, relaxation, deep breathing and softness through the body. Bring the awareness to your body, let your mind connect more with your beautiful body, with all sensations that arises in the present moment, whatever that might be, be gentle to your body, be gentle to yourself, to your own unique being.

Let go of an external’ for the length of the practice… It is a time just for you!

Props you will need: a cushion, soft blanket, yoga belt, bolster and, a pillow. ( If you don’t have a bolster, prepare extra pillow. )

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