It wouldn’t surprise me if Yoga was born in nature. As a matter of fact, I believe the earliest teachings of Yoga was born in woods. The pure observation of nature itself, the nature’s laws, the animals. Why do you think some many poses have been named by animals? Cat, pigeon, lizard, dragon, crow, eagle…Well, we don’t really know exact answer to it but, most probably ancient yogis mimic what they saw; as well as other poses exist resemble around them like tree, mountain, sun, wheel and bow.
There are many benefits why it’s good to be in nature. From reducing stress, anger, fear and increases in pleasant feelings. It could also reduce ( and normalise ) blood pressure, heart rate, muscle tension and can even improve your memory. Makes you feel better emotionally, contributes to your physical well-being and, simply being in nature makes us happier.
I could say I was born in forrest. Hiking in summers and skiing in winters every weekend when I was child it clearly made a massive impact on my outlook on nature. I have always felt connected to it and, as I get older I not only appreciate more when I am surrounded by trees, walking in woodlands and practicing yoga outside but I crave for it.
Sink into Nature, listen to the breath of the Earth and re-connect to your deeper self by practicing yoga outdoors.
We breath a lot in yoga as you might experienced a lot withe me. Yoga is all about breathing. I could not repeat enough how much the conscious breath means while practicing yoga. Means everything. As Krishnamacharya said: “If you can breath, you can do yoga.”
When we are outdoors, in nature, we have cleaner air to breath. More oxygenated air – meaning that tree, plants might add a psychological energy boost to yoga practice. Scientist also found that breathing in phytoncides – the aroma of the forrest – airbones chemicals produces by plants increase our level of white blood cells, helping us fight off infections and diseases. Also, ‘free aromatherapy’ – the natural scent from flowers, pine, trees makes us feel calmer and more relaxed.
Another important fact I would like to share that ‘being outdoors’ , practicing yoga more outdoors’ is that our focus improves and makes us better people – allowing us to remember and value important things like relationships, friendships, sharing and community.
I Invite you to practice Yoga with me this summer
So on that note, I would like to INVITE YOU to Join me for YOGA IN THE PARK this summer. June days are Sundays: 2nd, 9th and 23rd at 10am. Also, follow me on instagram page – juliak_yoga_wellness for updates on more dates and exact location of Bedford park.
Hoping to see you and share with you the love of nature and yoga together.
Bring your yoga mat and open mind. See you in a nature!
Julia xx